Is Bitcoin a Smart Investment?

Is Bitcoin a Smart Investment? The highest security concern in Bitcoin investment is the fraud and hacking risk. As the price and value of Bitcoin rise, the number of publicized hacking has also increased. For instance, the Federal Trade Commission reported a median loss of about $1,900 between October 2020 to March 2021. However, does… Continue reading Is Bitcoin a Smart Investment?

The Future Of Ethereum (ETH)

WHAT IS THE ETHEREUM? Ethereum is an open-source, decentralized blockchain platform with smart contract functionality that has its cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH) or Ethereum, and its programming language, Solidity.  Programmer Vitalik Buterin designed Ethereum in 2015 to let developers create and publish smart contracts and distributed apps (dApps) without the risk of downtime, fraud, or third-party… Continue reading The Future Of Ethereum (ETH)

The Future Of SOLANA (SOL)

WHAT IS SOLANA (SOL) Solana is an open-sourced and decentralized public blockchain platform that was developed by Anatoly Yakovenko, Alevtina Yakovenko. Solana was officially released in April to carry out transactions at a very high speed without compromising decentralization. Solana achieves consensus using “proof of stake” and “proof of history” and carries out peer-to-peer transactions… Continue reading The Future Of SOLANA (SOL)

The Future Of Cardano (ADA)

THE FUTURE OF CARDANO (ADA) WHAT IS CARDANO? Cardano is a decentralized and open-source, public blockchain platform founded by Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskison in 2015. Its internal coin, ADA, can be used to carry out peer-to-peer transactions on the platform. The Cardano platform achieves consensus with a proof-of-stake protocol called Ouroboros. Unlike some other cryptocurrencies… Continue reading The Future Of Cardano (ADA)

The Future Of Bitcoin

    FUTURE EXPECTATIONS OF BITCOIN -2022 The year 2021 has been a big year for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at large. But what’s should we be expecting next? This year we witnessed Bitcoin reach a new all-time high price.  Regulatory conversations are being held to significantly impact the sector and increase institutional buy-in from major… Continue reading The Future Of Bitcoin